





主教(merrill 林奇) 高中 utilizes a president/principal leadership model to provide a first-choice high school experience. 而校长则代表学校向更广泛的社区, 包括校友和未来的家庭, 校长负责日常的学术和现场操作.  






主教(merrill 林奇) 高中 is situated on a beautiful 22-acre campus in East 达拉斯 just south of White Rock Lake. 校园设施包括麦格尼格尔剧院、莱顿艺术中心 & 体育中心,罗菲诺体育场和麦克金维尔球场.




林奇主教学院不仅是一所优秀的学生学校, 但它也是一所非常适合工作的学校. Check out the latest employment openings for the opportunity to join our team of faithful, 关心和奉献的教职员工.


成立于1963年, 主教(merrill 林奇) 高中 is a college preparatory school of the Catholic Diocese of 达拉斯. 主教(merrill 林奇) is the largest co-ed private school in the state of Texas with approximately 1,它坐落在东达拉斯一个美丽的22英亩的校园里.  

The school’s Dominican heritage is anchored by the four pillars of Dominican life: prayer, 研究, 社区, 和服务.   

With a vibrant campus ministry program; tailored learning levels (essentials, 常规的, 荣誉, and Advanced Placement); the BL 房屋系统 to increase pastoral care, student leadership opportunities and mentorship; and a new Christian service program, 林奇主教继续履行其使命.  

林奇主教的口号是 相信. 归属感., and BL has worked to create a culture of belonging on campus with the BL 归属感 Board, Dine & 针对学生、教职员工的对话项目和对话培训. 




在六十年代早期, 在达拉斯的最东边, a few enterprising parish pastors and parents founded a high school intended to serve a wide diversity of children – budding scholars and those with learning differences, 运动员和演员. 所有追求真理和知识的人都受到欢迎. From this early vision has grown a truly outstanding Catholic educational institution. 两次被授予.S. 教育部蓝丝带优秀奖, 主教(merrill 林奇) 高中 now stands shoulder to shoulder with the very best private schools serving the youth of 达拉斯 and its suburban communities.

1962年,这所高中开始建设. 位于弗格森道9750号 at Peavy, 主教(merrill 林奇) 高中 included four wings: the girls’ division; the boys’ division; the science laboratories; and the administration offices, 体育馆, 和食堂. The 22-acre campus also allowed room for expansion to include two athletic fields. Staffed and administered by Dominican priests and sisters from 1963 to 1982, classes began in the fall of 1963 with 365 freshman and sophomores enrolled, 工厂的建设仍在继续. 一九六四年十二月二十日星期日,汤姆斯主教.K. 戈尔曼主持了落成典礼. 1966年5月,第一批103名学生毕业. In 1969, Roffino Stadium was completed, fulfilling a dream that began with the opening of the school.

Our journey began with a mission - a mission of creating an educational institution that would not only prepare students for academic success but also nurture their spiritual development and instill values that would guide them throughout their lives. 



尽管随着时间的推移,外表可能会发生变化, the symbol of the Friar has become an important part of 主教(merrill 林奇) tradition. 最初被认为是圆脸, 的字符, 修士会在20世纪80年代中期开始经历一些变化. Many of the sports teams adopted a more bulked-up version of the mascot in order to intimidate opponents. 后来,在20世纪90年代初,修士的形象有所缓和. 几年前, the current image of the friar was adopted showing a confident and up-to-date mascot.